Friday 27 April 2018

Glaufx Garland - City ruins - Panpsychism - Wake up!

Panpsychism - Wake up! - Logically = We can see the sperms of the plants which are mixed with vitamins the same as human sperms -the vitamins around the sperms help the seeds to grow. So in a way when we eat fruits or seeds from other plant species we eat their childern -Sperms of all species are usually covered with vitamins and other tasty stuff to help the seeds grow - The myth of not killing to eat is bad propaganda! The important is to not torture the other species as the most scientists and food companies do by mutating and pushing the species to earn more money. All species are alive and propably have souls, they communicate in their way, born, live, grow, eat, love, reproduce, evolve and die. Nobody can deny that all species are alive and kicking. All plants have male and female reproductive organs and some are hermaphrodites as far as we know. They also have DNA as we do, and their blood has different colour than ours. Also some plants produce milk. Most plants during spring ejaculate over the planet -sprending their sperms in the air, and you breathe it- Plants frack you! Also the surface of the sea is covered with sea species sperm- so every time you swim you are covered with sea species sperm -Sea also fracks you! The entrire universe fracks everything constantly and exponentially! Music composed by Glaufx Garland.

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